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Shape characteristics ralph lauren uk online of ancient jade

Traversed a stretch of jade culture in china jewelry supplierseven years of history, be buried, and handed down for thousands and thousands of ancient jade.Over the years, long ago, these jade artifacts have a high historical value, and thus became the imitation jade some special way of making money, mercenary way.This jade collection has become a large and discerning fans and collectors an important issue.

Jade identification, see shapes.Shapes of the objects shape and form.Generally speaking, the shape is an era of human social life, aesthetic taste and process a comprehensive reflection of the level, it inherits learn, but also the development of innovative, creating different shapes in different times.

Zhou dynasty, the shape by the style of bronze, a large number of characters appeared to birds, fish and insects as the specimen copy to the realism and the myth of animal images.

SpringAndautumn period, gemStone wholeSalerS aCCeSSorieS jade appear cheap ralph lauren sale SimpliStiC, the trend of miniaturization, Can produCe a pair of jade artifaCtS,Andanimal Shape, itS total or partial, are for"C"And"S"Shaped bend.Swords, jade came with a leather belt, jade decoration visible until the sword, to the han dynasty jade into a sword.Leather belt with a hook up to this period.

Han, numerous shapes, there has been a national cheng kung university valve jade sword, dragon, jiuqiao jade, jade dancer, just http://www.irmina.co.uk/ d, weng zhong, chicken heart and other wear.Huge shapes to piece known.

Tang dynasty, the shape appears more daily necessities, such as combs, hairpins, india, cups, chai, ring, bowls, pots, bottles.Also highlighted the performance of the western style, characters, etc.There are flying and the barbarian image.

Song, the shape becomes more clear to play literati, mostly boy shaped.Jade bird heavy charm, prominent mouth grass flies, birdsAndjumping fish.The forms for the northern ethnic minorities,"Chun shui yu"And"Akiyama jade. "

Yuan, chun shui yu, yu akiyama more popular.Jade production hook, buckle more

The development of china's ming and qing jade peak.China gemstone wen ming okho cup and jade room appliances, china gemstone wholesaler and yu qing yushan huge display table plaque and other form of jade, are highly characteristic of the times.Ming and qing dynasties are still popular all kinds of auspicious patterns.

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